Friday, December 30, 2011

Bye bye iPad

FInally i got rid of my iPad! Sorry to say so but after i bought it 3 months ago I regret buying every single day. Perhaps you remember my unsuccessful shopping trip to Apple Store on October when I was supposed to buy the MacBook Air. Well that didn't really worked out so I went and bought the iPad instead. Only soon to discover that it needed the laptop to even start the bloody gizmo! Or to get the iCloud.. and how difficult it was to backup my pictures from iPhone to iPad without it. And how iPad doesn't support flash or other Adobe software. So that most of the webpages doesn't open. Or that most of our crew hotels offer free internet but only with cable and I had the wi-fi version!

So yesterday I went and sold that crap! And bought a proper laptop. So here it is: MacBook Pro - my new darling :) And now everything works, finally.

But before getting too excited let's take a step back. Because I still have this iPhone 4 which was jail braked after I moved to this country. And it was done twice. So stupid as I was and too excited about all my new gadgets I plugged my iPhone with MacBook and it offered me to get the new version for iPhone. Without thinking it so much I told iTunes to override my iPhone and install the latest version. But that was a terrible mistake! Because now it has erased the jailbreak and it doesn't recognize this SIM card. So the phone is locked and unable to use it. And the worst part is that I'm leaving to Kathmandu early tomorrow morning for the New Year. And I was planning to see the sunrise behind the Mount Everest... and take some pictures. Well, I think that will be impossible right now if the guys in these dark shops can't fix my phone.

So what is the lesson? Never buy a phone which is not unlocked. Or never ever install anything in it if you do. Or don't buy this shit at all :) Well the last is not an option, i still love my apple products, can't help it..

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